Initiative - Lakshmi n Menon- FriendShip


FriendShip Campaign


• No specific problem, rather it is about expressing gratitude.
• Desire to express gratitude.
• Recognizing the necessity for a platform where people can convey their love and respect for the flood survivors who were rescued by fishermen


Creating a platform accessible to the public + Providing assistance to the vulnerable and unorganized survivors
gratitude our attitude

In the wake of catastrophic events like the biblical deluge, tales of salvation often emerge—Noah’s Ark, a beacon of hope for the chosen few amidst the floodwaters. Similarly, in the aftermath of Kerala’s devastating August deluge, a modern-day lifeline emerged in the form of FriendShip, extending its embrace to the unsung heroes of the sea—the fishermen.

During the floods of last year, when approximately 65,000 individuals found themselves trapped and stranded, Kerala’s fishermen emerged as guardian angels, navigating treacherous waters to rescue those in distress. Recognizing their invaluable contribution and the challenges they faced, Lakshmi Menon launched the FriendShip initiative as a gesture of gratitude and support.

FriendShip symbolizes more than just aid; it embodies the spirit of camaraderie and solidarity that defines Kerala’s coastal communities. At its core, the initiative aims to alleviate the burdens faced by fishermen, providing them with essential support and resources to weather the storms, both literal and metaphorical.

One of the hallmark initiatives under FriendShip is the provision of life insurance coverage for fishermen—an often-overlooked aspect of their livelihoods. By collaborating with New India Assurance, Lakshmi Menon orchestrated a campaign urging individuals to contribute towards the annual premium of Rs 24, securing a life insurance policy cover of Rs 1 lakh for over 17,000 fishermen. This simple yet impactful gesture ensures that these unsung heroes have a safety net in place, offering peace of mind amid the uncertainties of their profession.

The FriendShip initiative serves as a testament to the power of community and compassion in times of crisis. It exemplifies the ethos of Kerala’s resilient spirit, where neighbors come together to lend a helping hand and where acts of kindness ripple outward, creating waves of positive change.

As Kerala continues to grapple with the aftermath of natural disasters, FriendShip stands as a beacon of hope—a reminder that, in the face of adversity, solidarity and support can light the way forward. Through her unwavering commitment to uplifting her community, Lakshmi Menon embodies the true essence of friendship—standing by those in need, offering solace and support, and navigating the turbulent waters of life together.

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